April 9, 2020 | Kian Northcote
As COVID-19 cases continue to surge across the U.S., K-12 schools face a now-familiar dilemma: Continue with face-to-face classes, or switch back to hybrid or even full-time remote learning?
Many states are trying to avoid further disruption by keeping schools open and instead focusing on developing COVID-safe learning environments.
But how do teachers feel about in-person teaching during a pandemic that’s showing little sign of slowing down across the country?
It’s a question we asked more than 2,700 educators currently teaching face-to-face classes, and our findings reveal that many teachers still have legitimate concerns around school safety.
Here are three key takeaways from our survey.
- Teachers feel schools should do more to prioritize their safety.
- Practical policies would help teachers feel safer in class.
- Teachers believe more should be done to tackle mental health issues.