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Learning During a Pandemic: Managing Mental Health for Students and School Personnel
Designed by experts at the Johns Hopkins Center for Safe and Healthy Schools, this course helps educators, students and school staff cope with the anxiety, stressors and emotions that come with teaching and learning during a pandemic.
Teachers and students are facing a whole new range of mental health stressors as they adjust to a new way of teaching and learning and deal with the impacts of the pandemic on their daily lives. Left unchecked, these stressors have the potential to undermine student learning and achievement. This course provides the tools to identify and remediate mental health stressors affecting students, teachers and school-based personnel to ensure strong student learning outcomes.
100% online and self-paced. Teachers can complete the full course with 12 hours of learning or six individual course modules with 2 hours of learning each.
Learning During a Pandemic: Managing Mental Health for Students and School Personnel consists of six individual modules. Each module’s content systematically reflects in-depth research and best-practice learning focused on the impact of the pandemic on teaching and learning, and provides mental health supports for both students and school-based personnel.
- Module 1: Brain-targeted teaching as a means to improve student learning outcomes.
- Module 2: The psychosocial and developmental needs of gifted students.
- Module 3: The long-term impact of violence and trauma on child and youth development.
- Module 4: The causes, potential intervention strategies, and impact of suicide ideation.
- Module 5: The impact of substance abuse on learning and social development.
- Module 6: The importance of positive mental health outcomes among teachers and school-based personnel.
Learning During a Pandemic: Managing Mental Health for Students and School Personnel is one of five engaging, comprehensive courses drawn from the Johns Hopkins University Safe and Healthy Schools Certification Program.
Course Provider
Created by interdisciplinary experts at the Johns Hopkins Center for Safe and Healthy Schools (CSHS) and delivered by Klassroom, this course results from a joint commitment to establishing safe and healthy learning environments for students and teachers everywhere.
Upon completion, you'll receive:
A certificate of completion. In addition, teachers earn 1 CEU for 10 hours of learning.

Safe and Healthy Schools Certification Program from the Johns Hopkins Center for Safe and Healthy Schools
Developed to address a definitive 21st-century issue facing education: ensuring that students experience a safe, healthy school environment.
This program is for pre-K–12 educators, support personnel, leadership, schools and districts who want to create an environment that fosters a “safe and healthy” mindset. Participants will complete a comprehensive and evidence-based course curriculum focused on key topics schools are facing today and explore ways to safeguard their school community.
100% online and self-paced. Teachers complete 10 hours of course content and school leaders complete 50 hours of course content.
The Johns Hopkins Safe and Healthy Schools Certification Program consists of five engaging, comprehensive courses. The content in each course systematically reflects in-depth research and best-practice learning focused on the issue facing education: ensuring students experience a safe school environment.
The program is intended to unite communities through comprehensive, evidence-based learning that’s available to school teachers and leaders everywhere.
Individual teachers and school leaders can enroll in the program. The teacher program is 10 hours (1 CEU) and the leadership program is 50 hours (5 CEUs) in length.
In addition to individual training, schools can also earn a school certification. To do so, 70 percent of school teaching staff, plus one leader are required to complete the training.
Course Provider
Created by the Johns Hopkins Center for Safe and Healthy Schools (CSHS) and delivered by Klassroom, this program is the result of a joint commitment to establishing safe and healthy learning environments.
Upon completion, you'll receive:
Individuals and schools that complete the Safe and Healthy Schools Program will earn a digital credential valid for three years upon completion. In addition to the credential, teachers earn 1 CEU for 10 hours of learning and school leaders earn 5 CEUs for 50 hours of learning.
To remain certified the Safe and Healthy Schools Certification Program refresher course would need to be completed by at least 70 percent of staff and a minimum of one school leader.
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Effective Online Teaching Strategies: Creating smarter virtual classrooms
Ensure a successful online learning experience for you and your students with our online teaching course.
100% online and self-paced. It takes approximately 20 hours to complete this interactive course.
This course explores the world of online learning and the role of the online educator and how to best prepare, plan, and teach an effective online lesson. There will also be many tools, tips, and resources for you to ensure a successful online teaching and learning experience for both you and your students.
Course Provider
The course was designed by Teresa Avery from the University of Toronto Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE). She is a leading expert on new research and best practice in online education and curriculum development.
Upon completion, you'll receive:
A professional certificate in Effective Online Teaching Strategies: Creating smarter virtual classrooms from Teach Away.

Digital Learning for the K-8 Classroom from Teachers College Columbia University
Digital learning has become a standard part of the 21st-century classroom. Bring your teaching practice up to date with digital literacy training.
100% online and self-paced. Students take approximately 30 hours to complete this interactive course.
Digital Learning for the K-8 Classroom is a four-module online professional development course that prepares teachers to cultivate their students’ digital literacies and 21st-century skills. Participants in this course will familiarize themselves with the practical and theoretical knowledge needed to establish digital literacy skills in themselves and their students through lesson activities and curriculum development.
Course Provider
We partnered with Teachers College, Columbia University and award-winning educator, Detra Price-Dennis, to create an innovative professional development course to help close the digital skills gap in today’s classrooms.
The team that created this peer-reviewed course are all educators from Teachers College, Columbia University, one of the top-10 ranking schools of education in the US, and the course content was developed by a leading expert on best practices in digital learning in the classroom.
Upon completion, you'll receive:
Upon completion of this course, you’ll receive a certificate of completion from Teachers College at Columbia University, one of the top-10 ranking schools of education in the US. This course also qualifies for 3 Continuing Education Units.

Disciplinary Literacy from CEDER University of Michigan
Improve your teaching practice with practical disciplinary literacy strategies to apprentice students as readers, writers, and thinkers of the disciplines.
100% online and self-paced. Students take approximately 30 hours to complete this interactive course.
Covering the latest research and best practices from working educators in the field of disciplinary literacy, teachers in this course will learn the knowledge and strategies needed to successfully develop their students’ reading and writing abilities in different disciplines.
Course Provider
Learn directly from leading disciplinary literacy expert, Elizabeth Birr Moje, at the University of Michigan, School of Education - one of the top-15 ranking faculties of education in the US.
Upon completion, you'll receive:
A professional certificate in Digital Learning for the K-8 Classroom from CEDER University of Michigan.

Culturally Responsive Teaching from Teach Away
This course equips teachers with the teaching methods and strategies needed to connect with students and parents of all cultural backgrounds.
100% online and self-paced. Students take approximately 30 hours to complete this interactive course.
Cultural competence for educators. This course curriculum prepares teachers across all subject areas and levels to work with culturally diverse students and their families. Providing educators with practical takeaways, increased awareness on the impact of culture on classroom learning, knowledge to effectively deal with cross-cultural issues and strategies for creating a stronger home-school connection.
Course Provider
The course was designed by Dr. Arti Joshi, Ph.D. in Child and Family Studies, a leading expert on culturally responsive teaching practices to help educators expand their teaching knowledge and better connect with students and their parents.
Upon completion, you'll receive:
A professional certificate in Culturally Responsive Teaching: Connecting with Students and Parents of Different Cultures from Teach Away.