Quiz: Should I become a teacher?

December 16, 2020 | Erika Raso

If you’re here today, it means you’ve asked yourself: “should I become a teacher?” or “will I even like being a teacher?”

So, you want to become a teacher. That’s the first step.

Maybe it’s been a life-long dream ever since you were young or maybe you recently discovered that you love the idea of teaching. 

Either way, if you’re having a hard time making up your mind, you’re in luck because this quiz will help you decide quickly.

We’ll ask you a few questions about your personality, work-life balance preference, goals, salary expectations and more to see if you’d make a good fit for a teacher and if it’s right for you.

We hope this quiz helps make this life-changing decision much easier for you. 

Take the Quiz: Should I Become a Teacher?

For each question, select the answer option that best applies to you. At the end, tally up how many As, Bs, Cs etc. you selected to determine your result.

  1. Do you like working with kids?
    A) Yes, I love kids!
    B) No, I prefer working with teenagers
    C) No, I prefer working with adults
  2. Do you enjoy telling stories?
    A) Yes, I love sharing interesting stories
    B) No, I prefer to listen to stories
  3. Which best describes you?
    A) Outgoing
    B) Quiet/shy
    C) Natural leader
  4. Do you have any teaching experience?
    A) Yes
    B) No
  5. Do you want to make a difference?
    A) Yes!
    B) Not really
  6. If someone doesn't understand something, do you have the patience to explain it?
    A) Yes, of course. I'll explain it multiple times if need be
    B) No. I have no patience to explain it again.
  7. Which subject are you most passionate about?
    A) Math
    B) Geography
    C) Science
    D) English
    E) Arts
    F) Celebrity gossip!
    G) Everything!
  8. What best describes your work style?
    A) I'm super organized! I plan ahead
    B) I'm resourceful, I like to be crafty
    C) I'm more spur of the moment
    D) I'm disorganized but I make it work
  9. How do you handle stress?
    A) I thrive in stressful situations
    B) Not well! I get stressed easily
    C) I get stressed but I don't quit
  10. Do you want a rewarding career?
    A) Yes, please!
    B) No. I just want something to pay the bills
  11. Are you ok with a teacher's salary?
    A) Yes, I'm fine with a teacher's salary
    B) No. I want to be rich!
    C) I'm indifferent
  12. Do you want to take summers off?
    A) Yes, I'd love that!
    B) No, I want a consistent job
    C) No, but I can get a side gig if I wanted to
  13. What's your ideal work-life balance?
    A) Doesn't matter
    B) I don't mind putting in extra hours at work
    C) I just want to finish work and be done for the day
  14. Have you always wanted to be a teacher?
    A) Yes
    B) No, but now I do
    C) I don't want to be a teacher
  15. Do you want to teach at K-12 public school or charter schools?
    A) Yes
    B) No
    C) No, I want to teach at a higher level
  16. Do you want to teach at a prestigious private or government schools overseas?
    A) Yes
    B) No
  17. What kind of teacher do you want to be?
    A) Elementary teacher
    B) Secondary school teacher
    C) Uni/College professor
  18. Did you know there is a global teacher shortage?
    A) Yes
    B) No
  19. Do you want to make a difference?
    A) Yes!
    B) Not really


Mostly As

Yes, you should become a teacher! Congrats! You've got what it takes to be a teacher. So what are you waiting for?

Mostly Bs

Teaching might not be the best fit for you. You might not be in love with the whole process of being a teacher. But don't get discouraged. You can still become a teacher. It just might take a different mindset going into it.

Mostly Cs

Teaching is not an easy job. You'll have to have patience, understanding, the ability to cope well with stress and you'll need to put in extra hours after work to grade homework or do lesson planning. If that doesn't sound ideal to you, then maybe this isn't the right career path for you.

So there you have it! How'd you do?
The quiz has spoken.
No matter your outcome, remember to do what feels right to you.

Wondering what course should you do to become a teacher, or what should you study to become a teacher?

If you’re inspired to follow your dreams of becoming a licensed teacher, we’ve got great news for aspiring teachers who are eligible to work in the U.S.: 

Our state-approved, AAQEP-accredited online alternative teacher certification programs can help you achieve that dream in less than a year and for a fraction of the cost of traditional school.

To learn more about becoming a licensed U.S. teacher or alternative certification programs in general, check out this alternative teacher certification guide

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